While the content I post may seem the epitome of perfection, there’s much more that goes on behind the scenes than meets the eye. Staying positive during this time in our lives is very challenging so I’ve been working on prioritizing things that give me joy and make me feel alive and more like myself.
One of my top prioritize is exercise. I played sports all my life an even competed in college and I didn’t realize how much exercise affected my mood until I was in my early 20s, newly graduated from college, and I no longer had the regimented lifestyle of a college athlete. I stopped exercising and it had a negative effect on my mood, not to mention the insane hours of an entry level employee in advertising and staying out too late and not getting enough sleep. Once I began investing more in my health my mood turned around and I was an all around healthier person.
To that end, eating healthy and eating well is also a pathway to happiness. When I eat clean and take the time to make creative and nutritious meals, I am a much happier person.
And the last thing that keeps me grounded during crazy times is having a creative outlet and making beautiful things. Whether it’s creating beautiful pictures for Effortless Taste or bringing out my old paints and paint bushes, it’s these activities that truly make me whole.
That being said, I’m not perfect and I often forget to invest in what makes me happy or I struggle to get back on the path towards happiness. In these cases, I try not to be so hard on myself and rely on my network of loved ones to support me and help me on the right path. Plus these days, it’s okay to be not okay, as it’s only human, and a human response to the chaos that’s going on in the world around us.
How do you stay positive?
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